Are You Suffering From Neck Pain in High Point NC?

Neck pain is one of the most commonly seen and treated neuromusculoskeletal conditions treated by chiropractors in High Point NC. Do not be confused, neck pain is complex and different for each individual. Neck pain can present in patients as mild or severe, acute or chronic, simple or complex etiology, and can even be life threatening!

Did you know the cervical spine preforms several unique and complex functions? The cervical spine contains and protects the spinal cord in the neck while providing support and mobility to the head. The cervical spine is composed of seven vertebrae. They are positioned in a specific alignment to absorb forces generated from the head to the torso. The joints of the cervical spine are slightly moveable, known as amphiarthrodial joints. This allows for collective small movements of the cervical spine to align and position the head in space. Proper spinal alignment in the cervical region optimizes proprioceptive input (sensory input) to the brain.

Neck Pain Relief In High Point NC

You may be wondering what is Proprioceptive Input and what does it mean for neck pain? Proprioception is made up by the communication of muscle fibers, joint position receptors, and cutaneous (skin) mechanoreceptors. This signals external and internal information about the position of the body in space. Proprioceptive input from the cervical muscles and joints play a major role in a person’s ability to move and balance their head. Ultimately, lack of this input can reduce movement and increase neck pain!

Some common causes of neck pain are listed below:

  • Acute neck injuries from falls, sports injuries, and whiplash injuries causing cervical spine strain/sprains
  • Postural pain/Poor Postural Ergonomics or stiffness due to poor ergonomics in home and work environment
  • Acute Psuedotorticollis
  • Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
  • Osteoarthritis associated with neck stiffness, reduce range of motion and pain
  • Facet/Referred Pain from irritation of the facet joints or deep cervical muscles
  • Degenerative Disc Disease of the cervical spine
  • Cervical Spondylosis
  • Cervical Radiculopathy

The brain's control center for body movement is located in the neck. Any issues that have roots in this area can result in chronic pain, muscle spasms, or other related problems throughout your entire body!

Some people let spinal problems go untreated, hoping the pain will take care of itself. But in some cases, waiting can cause even more serious damage to your body and leave you with no choice but surgery. Even if you think the pain has gone away, it can continue to irritate and put pressure on the area, and might soon return.

Conventional VS. Holistic Care

Neck pain is not only uncomfortable but also causes people to have a lot of difficulty going about their daily lives. They've often been prescribed medication or turned to over-the-counter options with mixed results. Interestingly, massage therapy has become more sought after recently as a way to relieve some muscle tightness. However, if your neck pain is rooted in your bones or joints, the above options won’t do you much good.

Chiropractic care can help you identify and eliminate any structural issues that may be going in your neck, in order to bring an end to this discomfort once and for all. The team here at Equilibrium Chiropractic is ready to help by providing a personalized recovery plan tailored specifically to you. We don't want you to suffer any longer, so call today to begin feeling better again!


9:30am - 1:00pm
2:30pm - 6:30pm

7:30am - 1:00pm
2:30pm - 4:30pm

9:30am - 1:00pm
2:30pm - 6:30pm

7:30am - 1:00pm
2:30pm - 4:30pm

8:00am - 1:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Equilibrium Chiropractic

5006 High Point Rd Suite C
Greensboro, NC 27407

(336) 763-0084